
This blog is a part of a project, the greatest project I ever started!

As the name says, it is about embedded systems, sports engineering and computer vision. How do all these areas relate?

Well, even before Moneyball, sports teams already knew how powerful statistics were in analyzing tactics and performance, after the Oakland Athletics case of success, everyone began looking for the golden pot at the end of the rainbow.

Okay, so statistics are important, but that don’t explain anything at all. The catch is, for a complete analysis, someone must gather a lot of raw information, such as position of ball and players through out all the match, that is where the computer vision enters the picture, with that, all the process of information gathering becomes automated.

That explain the computer vision, but what about the embedded systems? The thing is, in general, computer vision software is really demanding of the computer, and requires a lot of processing, but what good is a system that can gather all the information you need, but only when you play on your own stadium? That is why the idea is to create an embedded system, in order to allow teams to easily transport it in their travels.

So, the blog is about how to create such system? Yes! but not only that, it will also explain a lot about all the knowledge involved in building it, and all decisions taken during the project.

Hope you all enjoy!

Igor Hueb de Castro

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